Tughlaq is a 1964 Indian kannada language play written by Girish Karnad. The thirteen scene play is set during the reign of muhammad bin Tughlaq. In 1970 , it was enacted in English in Mumbai. Tughlaq is the play which brought name and fame to Karnad.

Girish Karnad is an Indian actor , film director , kannada writer , playwright . He is a recipient of the 1998 jnanpith award the highest literary honour conferred in India. He has translated his plays into english and has received acclaim.

The play revolves around the 14th century historical figure of muhammad Tughlaq. Karnad deals with history of that time in the play. Muhammad Tughlaq ruled over a large part of India ' s capital " Delhi ". Tughlaq in first scene depicted as a generous sultan on his judgement of Kaji , Vishnu prasad ' s land , offered of civil services all make his part good man. But he has also killed his father and brother. Tughlaq ' s decision of changing his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad is considered as rash decision. It causes inexpressible suffering to the common people. His complex personality of once a dreamer and man of action. He was an intelligent man , have abilities to learn , curiousity to know and have knowledge of ' Quran ' and also a good reader.

Some changes in his personality , he became very cruel and his kingdom became " Kitchen of death ' . He kills his brother and father during prayer time. Then banned prayer altogether. Corruption , chaos and misery we find in the kingdom and tragic end of all .

Karnad ' s historical play Tughlaq brings out problem of the time. He exposes universal problem as a integral part in his plays. The play explores the paradox of the idealistic sultan muhammad whose reign is known  for the biggest failure in indian history.

Tughlaq  becomes symbolic of the dreams of Nehru . The Indian government policies are echoed through the character Tughlaq. The game of chess symbolize Tughlaq ' s high manipulative skills of dealing with political rivals and opponents. His kingdom is complicated full of problems . Prayer is exploited as an instrument of murder. The word prayer has lost its relevance in the play.

The play Tughlaq is packed with intrigues , bloodshed , terrible murders , violence and horror . There is a long chain of deception and violence. Seven to eight major characters are killed and countless people die while they excel. Sultan as a crafty politician becomes very violent and vicious.

" His kingdom trnasfors into a kitchen of death and he becomes the lord of skin ."

Tughlaq linked power and politics with religion . Equal treatment of muslMus and Hindus that is political ideology of the Sultan. Tughlaq fails because he tries to mix politics with religion.