Assignment of novelist of Neo -Classical age
.Assignment of Novelist of the Neo-Classical Age
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Name: Makwana Daksha D.
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Name: Makwana Daksha D.
Course : MA
Semester : 1
Batch : 2017-2019
Roll no : 4
Enrollment no :
Paper no : 2 The Neo
–Classical Literature
Topic : The Novelist of The Neo- classical Age
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Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Dept.of English MKBU
Introduction :
In Age of classicism,we find the revival of romantic poetry and the discovery of modern novel,which is probably most important.Novel as a most modern and at present,most widely read and influential type of literature.The rapid development of the English novel had an immence influence in all European nation.In the era ,The novel as a genre emerged and established as a new form of literary expression.
In the beginning of the development of novel we find adventure and historicals novels ,like ‘Robinson Crusoe’ ,’Gulliver’s travell ‘ in this novel we find the story which we like,Adventure of Hero,and situation which is unbelievable and much exaggerated.We don’t find it in real is full of good and evil things ,struggle and sufferings ,pride ,temptation,which literature represent the realities of life,we like it most and find interesting.Neo –classical age consider as a ‘Age of prose and reason ‘ and ‘Emergence of Novel ‘remarkable characteristic of the age .
Four Novelist of the age (four wheels of novel )
Daniel Defor
Samuel Richardson
Henry Fielding
and Sterne
(1660? – 1731 )
Defoe was the son of London butcher named foe.he was born in London to a poor but hardworking butcher, a dissenter from the church of England.His early life was not easy; was unable to attend university of Cambridge and oxford.If we see Defoe ‘s life we get idea that he passed through many situation like poverty and wealth and imprisonment, many problems and situation defoe had faced.His marriage with wealthy woman and have eight children.Defoe once business as a general merchant ,though he was rarely out of debt,forced to declare bankruptcy; with his debts and political difficulties.
After his experiment at writing and as a novelist get fame as a gretest novelist of Neo –Classical age .Defoe wrote political pamphlet and articles ; that he generally managed to keep employed by the party in power ,whether whig or tory.Due to his life Defoe imprisoned and after his release from prison ,he turned his knowledge of criminals to further account ,then become spy or secret –service agent of government.his prison experience ,accounts for his numerous stories of thieves and pirates like jonathan wild.
Works of Defoe
. Robinson crusoe-1719 . . Mamoair of Captain singleton -1720.
A Journal of the Plague year -1722 .
Colone Jack – 172
Moll Flanders - 1722,
Robinson Crusoe : , first published on 25 April 1719. The first edition credited the work's protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author, leading many readers to believe he was a real person and the book a travelogue of true incidents. It is believed that the story is based upon the experience of Alexander Sellkirk or Selcraig ,who had been marooned in the islnd and lived there in solitude for five years.
Defoe was the son of London butcher named foe.he was born in London to a poor but hardworking butcher, a dissenter from the church of England.His early life was not easy; was unable to attend university of Cambridge and oxford.If we see Defoe ‘s life we get idea that he passed through many situation like poverty and wealth and imprisonment, many problems and situation defoe had faced.His marriage with wealthy woman and have eight children.Defoe once business as a general merchant ,though he was rarely out of debt,forced to declare bankruptcy; with his debts and political difficulties.
After his experiment at writing and as a novelist get fame as a gretest novelist of Neo –Classical age .Defoe wrote political pamphlet and articles ; that he generally managed to keep employed by the party in power ,whether whig or tory.Due to his life Defoe imprisoned and after his release from prison ,he turned his knowledge of criminals to further account ,then become spy or secret –service agent of government.his prison experience ,accounts for his numerous stories of thieves and pirates like jonathan wild.
Works of Defoe
. Robinson crusoe-1719 . . Mamoair of Captain singleton -1720.
A Journal of the Plague year -1722 .
Colone Jack – 172
Moll Flanders - 1722,
Robinson Crusoe : , first published on 25 April 1719. The first edition credited the work's protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author, leading many readers to believe he was a real person and the book a travelogue of true incidents. It is believed that the story is based upon the experience of Alexander Sellkirk or Selcraig ,who had been marooned in the islnd and lived there in solitude for five years.
In this novel we find the character Crusoe ,who disobedience his father and went on the sea voyage ,faced sea wrecked
and lived for Twenty –Eight years on unknown island. Where
he developed his own world ,farming
and household activities,experienced spirituality . once he saved victim from the cannibals and gave him name ‘Friday’ ,teaches him
English words ,and try to colonize with Christian concepts.Crusoe tried to make
him servant or master –slave
relationship between them.Friendship
was also aspect of their relationship.Both fights with cannibals and
released Spaniards.Thus story of
adventure and sea voyage.
SAMUEL RICHARDSON :( 1689-1761) Samuel Richardson was a son of a London joiner .He get very little education.Born in Macworth ,England .His occupation was as a writer ,printer and publisher.At tha age of 17, He went to London,learned the printer ‘s trade,which followed to the end of his life.At the age of 50,He get a fame as a writers of elegent epistles ,this led him that publishers offer him proposal for series of ‘ Familiar Essays ‘.Richardson accepted that proposal.
Richardson had natural talent for writing letters ; employed by working girls to write their love letters for them,This letters writing experience gave him tha intimate knowledge of the hearts of sentimental and uneducated women which is manifiest in all his work.He was keen observer of manners .His first novel at the age of 51 ,and immediately become one of the more popular and admired writer of his time .Defoe had told an adventure story of human life on a desert island ,but Richardson tell the story of girl’s inner life in the midst of English neighbours .
Richardson known for his three epistolary novel:
Apprentice’s vade mecum -1734
Pamela or Virtue
rewarded - 1740
Compilation of letters published
Clarissa or the history of young lady – 1747
The history of sir Charles Grandison – 1753
PAMELA : Pamela or
Virtue Rewarded appeared in two
volumes. The story of Pamela Andrews ,the heroine of the novel and her triumphs
on virtue ,a crafty young lady who tried to climb the social ladder by
becoming a nobleman ‘s wife.Pamela a
young servant girl who is ,persecuted by
her master,a young nobleman,Mr.B .but she preserved her virtue.
The novel represented ‘ richardson’s insistence upon well –defined feminine role and was a part of a common fear held during thr 18th century that women were ‘too bold’. Pamela consider as a “ The First Novel in Modern Sense “ or “ The First Novel in India “The story best seller of its time,was very widely read but also criticized.
The novel represented ‘ richardson’s insistence upon well –defined feminine role and was a part of a common fear held during thr 18th century that women were ‘too bold’. Pamela consider as a “ The First Novel in Modern Sense “ or “ The First Novel in India “The story best seller of its time,was very widely read but also criticized.
Richardson ‘s novel CLARISSA in serial form is psychological realism,received immence enthusiasm.His novel represent characteristics of the age ,middle class.In London literary world ,He was a rival of Henry Fielding.Richardson brought something entirely new to the literary world ,not incident or adventure but truth to human nature.
3) HENRY FIELDING: (1707-1754) Fielding was the gretest of this new group of novel writers and one of the most artistic writers, English novelist and dramatist. He was well educated and get degree in letters at university of leyden in 1728.He had deeper knowledge of life gained from his own varied sometimes riotous experience. Get authority as a Magistrate . His mother die ,when he was 11 .In 1735, married with admirable woman,her glimpses in his two character Amelia and Sophia Western.He studied law in London ,began writing for theatre ; gaining his living by occassional plays and by newspaper works.He and family face the periods of poverty at that time helped by Ralph Allen.He had contrast with Richardson.
Henry defied novel as “ comic epic poem in prose “.He wrote
‘Tory Periodicals ‘under the name ‘ Captain Hercules Vinegar’ He wrote
political satire “ The Tragedy of Tragedies “which successful as a printed
play.By accident he took writing novels in 1741,Shamela .Most of his work was concerned with London ‘s criminal
population of thieves ,gamblers and prostitudes.He died of physical and mental distress
Works :
Works :
1 Shamela -1741
2 The history of the adventures of Joseph
Andrews and his friend ,Mr.Abraham
Abrams -1742
3 The life and death of Jonathan wild -1743
4 Tha history of Tom Jones ,a foundling -1749
5 Amelia -1751
:A comic novel and a picaresque novel.generally regarded as Fielding ‘s gretest book,and as and a very influencial English novel.The story is the life of the protagonist ,Tom jones as a illegitimate child ,grown up in the care of Squire Allworthy.He loved Sophia Western ,Blifil ‘s lust for wealth of Allworthy,hypocricy, Tom ‘s affair with many girls ,extra merrital affair of Bridget ,Mrs.western’s wish tthat marriage of Sophia with wealthy man, Molly’s affair,suspence of Tom’s parents revealed ,Tom become wealthy and marriage possible with Sophia.This novel contains a strong infusion of autobiographical elements.
The novel offered more authentic representations of people and situation of that time.Fielding wanted Tom Jones to be a realistic hero,A man with strenghs ,feelings and failings ,appetites whose transition into virtue took time and struggle ,rather than being accepted as a fact.
Fielding’s work with story of vagabond life ,his concern is
‘To laugh men out of their follies’.His work had strong impression of
reality.His satire not like Swift’s
bitterness but good-natured like Steele.Henry was very gretest artist ; his
work shows genuine picture of men and women of his own age without moralizing.
TOBIAS SMOLLETT : (1721-1771) Scottish Novelist ,Satirist ,Travel writer ,Historian ,Journalist ,poet and Dramatist . Major british novelist of 18th century.He educated at the university of Glasglow,where he qualified as a surgeon. During 1739 ,he went to London to seek fortune as a dramatist ,after degree of MD ,he travelled to france ,obtained material for second novel Peregrine Pickle another success. In 1755, he published English translation of novel “DON QIUXOTE” . In 1756, he became the editor of magazine ‘ THE CRITICAL REVIEW ‘.
Smollett carry on Fielding ‘s work but he lacked fielding’s geneius . so crowded
his pages with the horrors and brutalities ,which mistaken for realism.He was a
physician of eccentric manners and ferocious instincts
.He known for his picaresque novel:
1)The Adventures of Roderick Random 1748
2)The Adventures Of Peregrine pickle 1751
.He known for his picaresque novel:
1)The Adventures of Roderick Random 1748
2)The Adventures Of Peregrine pickle 1751
1)Roderick Random
2) Peregrine Pickle 1751
2) Peregrine Pickle 1751
3)Hymphry Clinker 1771
Smollet then began what he regarded as his major work, A Complete History of England, from 1757 to 1765. During this period he served a brief prison sentence for libel, and produced another novel, The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves (1760). Having suffered the loss of a daughter, he went abroad with his wife, and the result was the publication Travels through France and Italy
(1766). He also published The History and Adventures of an Atom (1769), which gave his opinion of British politics during the Seven Years' War in the guise of a tale from ancient Japan. Smollett establish the novel as an appropriate means for attacking social vices and criticizing the absurdities of humanity.
2) LAURENCE STERNE : (1713-1768) Laurence Sterne was an Irish novelist and an Anglican clergyman. Born in Ireland. He might have died earlier because of his weak lungs .The son of army ensign,he grwe up in army garrisons .With the help of relatives ,he went to cambridge ,after graduating he entered the church of England. His marriage to Elizabeth Lumley in 1741 proved unhappy.
He wrote political articles ‘ A Political Romance ‘ .At the age of 46 ,writing for the rest of his life . He consider an anti –novelist because he did not follow the canons of the realistic novel. His personal life was upset.His comic novel continued ,but every sentence ,he said ‘ was written under the gretest heaviness of heart.’ His struggle with illness.
The Th Life and opinions of Trishtram Shandy ,Gentleman1759-1767
3 A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy 1768
Made Sterne famous in london and on the continent . The first is the plot sequence that includes Tristram's conception, birth, christening, and accidental circumcision. It takes six volumes to cover this chain of events, although comparatively few pages are spent in actually advancing such a simple plot. The story occurs as a series of accidents, all of which seem calculated to confound Walter Shandy's hopes and expectations for his son. The manner of his conception is the first disaster, followed by the flattening of his nose at birth, a misunderstanding in which he is given the wrong name, and an accidental run-in with a falling window-sash. The catastrophes that befall Tristram are actually relatively trivial; only in the context of Walter Shandy's eccentric, pseudo-scientific theories do they become calamities.
The second
major plot consists of the fortunes of Tristram's Uncle Toby. Most of the
details of this story are concentrated in the final third of the novel,
although they are alluded to and developed in piecemeal fashion from the very
beginning. Toby receives a wound to the groin while in the army, and it takes
him four years to recover. When he is able to move around again, he retires to
the country with the idea of constructing a scaled replica of the scene of the
battle in which he was injured. He becomes obsessed with re-enacting those
battles, as well as with the whole history and theory of fortification and
defense. The Peace of Utrecht slows him down in these
"hobby-horsical" activities, however, and it is during this lull that
he falls under the spell of Widow Wadman. The novel ends with the long-promised
accunt of their affairs.
Conclusion: Other important novelist of the age
included Oliver Goldsmith and Jonathan Swift also contributed in development of
novel as new form.Swift’s “Gulliver ‘s travells “ an adventure story of lamuel
gulliver and his four voyages on different island.Satire on political and social situation of the age.Goldsmith
also consider as a first novelist. He
best known for his “Vicar of The Wakefield” (1766) So we can say that in this age novelist like
Defoe,Richardson,Fielding and Smollett and Sterne,Swift developed novel to its
highest type of form.Work cited :
English literature by William. J.Long
SparkNotes: Tristram Shandy › lit › tristram
Tobias Smollett - New World Encyclopedia › entry › entry