Kenneth branagh' movie : based on Shakespeare's Hamlet.
1.How faithful is the movie to the original play ?                                                                         I thought movie is quite faithful to original play that  whole personality of characters,especially of Hamlet  revealed by the movie . psychology of character revealed , which understood much than play . though some editing in dialogue most of same as play so movie is quite faithful.                                                                                      

 2.After watching the movie , have your perception about play,character or situation changed ?                                                                                                                                                  After watching the movie , my perception about Hamlet quite changed that while reading the play I thought Hamlet's melancholy and hesitation  is to much but in movie which situation Hamlet have to face and forcefully he have to do such a thing like murder , as a good son for his father's Hamlet  faces  melancholy.this thing changed after movie.                                                                                  

 3.Do you feel 'aesthetic delight while watching the movie ? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reason ?            
   I thought there is no much aesthetic pleasure in movie, when at the grave of Ophelia , Hamlet came there but soldiers don't  know him as a prince of they said it is a deadbody 's  grave and making laugh on it.                                                                                                                             .

4. Do you feel 'catharsis ' while or after watching movie ? If yes,exactly when did it happen? If not , can you explain with reasons ?  
 There is a element of catharsis in movie.when I see Hamlet 's melancholy  I feel  catharsis and also for Ophelia on her madness , she used by her father and brother and Hamlet also insulting her said 'go to nunnery' . Hamlet's  frustration for revenge.this scene bring catharsis. 
  5.Does screening of movie help you in better understanding  of the play ?      
 By screening of the movie I better understand the play , the situation in which many murder happened and committed by Hamlet.Reasons why Gertrude marry with claudias , Ophelia's situation between the intrigue of father and brother.role of other character clearly understood which plays huge role in development of play. movie screening help much to understand the play.                                                                                                         

 6.was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime ?   When  Hamlet said ,' my love is more than 40,000 brothers .' for Ophelia .                                                                                                            

 7.If you are director , what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare ?                                                  
 I'll not make much changes , Shakespeare had constructed play very well. I thought character of Ophelia stronger and able to help Hamlet in his revenge. another thing is at the end Hamlet saved and survive to the Denmark.                                                                                                                                                
8.Question about the statue of the king Hamlet which hammered down to the dust , what sort of symbolism do you read in this?              

   The sequence that statue of  Hamlet falls  down ,It is not king's ambition that due to his revenge , downfall  of  his kingdom happened. this statue is a symbolism that much philosophical  nature of Hamlet die at the end. There is not only downfall of Hamlet as well as downfall of a son who want revenge for his father's death.Hamlet's relation with mother , uncle and with Ophelia also dies.murder of innocent person indirectly suggest downfall of Hamlet or Denmark as well.   
   9.While studying the play through movie,which approach do  you find more applicable  to the play? Why ? give reasons with illustrations.                                              

  I thought psychological approach,moral and philosophical approach , feminine approach applicable more to the psychological approach we find Oedipus complex of Hamlet and 'moral and philosophical approach , Hamlet's hesitation for murder his uncle,'to be or not to be'  there is morality and philosophy. ib feminine approach very bad situation  of Ophelia and gertude . Gertude is responsible for this thing at some point.madness of Ophelia ,we feel much sympathy so feminine approach also applicable.                                                                                                                                              
 10.Which of the above mentioned approaches appeals you more than other ?why?gave reasons.                                              
   I though more philosophical nature of Hamlet causes everything.if he was little practical may there is no much trouble for him.feminine approach also that why gertude marriage became so objectionable for Hamlet. ophelia  indirectly part of intrigue and become mad and drown herself in to the river.                                                                                                                          

  Thank you.