Assignment of tragic hero according to Aristotle
Name: Makwana
Daksha D.
Course : MA
Semester : 1
Batch : 2017-2019
Roll no : 4
Enrollment no :
Paper no : 3 The literary theory and criticism
Topic : The tragic hero according to Aristotle
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Submitted to : Smt.S.B.Gardi Dept.of English MKBU
Aristotle as a writer of ‘poetics “ gave a definition of tragic hero and
tragedy .In his work he wrote six part of tragedy and his function with objection of plato. He brought new term as ‘catharsis ‘
and ‘hamartia ‘,with reference of
othello, hamlet and oedipus . A tragic hero is the protagonist of a tragedy in drama .Aristotle in his
poetics , records the descriptions of the tragic hero to the playwright and strictly defines the place that the
tragic hero must play and the kind of man
he must be.Aristotle based his
observation on previous dramas written by Shakespeare and other
Elizabethan writers and many of the most
famous instances of tragic hero appear
in greek literature .Aristotle in his poetics puts forward a
number of characteristics for the
ideal tragic hero.Acccording to
Aristotle ,the hero confronts his downfall whether due to fate ,or by his own
mistake ,or any social reason.
“ Aristotle ‘s tragic hero ,in his poetics ,he suggests that
a hero of a tragedy must evoke in the audience a sense of pity and fear ,saying
“ the change of fortune presented not be
the spectacle of a virtuous man brought from prosperity to adversity.”
Aristotle disqualifies two types of character 1) purely virtuous and 2) thoroughly bad . there remains but one kind of character ,who can best satisfy this requirements –“ A man who is not eminently good and just yet whose misfortune is not brought by vice and depravity but by some error of frailty”. His misfortune excites pity because it is out of all proportion to his error of judgement ,and his over all goodness excites fear from his doom.
Tragic hero should be a man of mixed character ,neither blameless and nor absolutety depraved .His misfortune should follow from some error or flaw of character ,short of moral traint .He must fall from height of prosperity and glory.The protagonist should be renowned and prosperous ,so his change of fortune can be from good to bed .The fall of such a man of eminence affects entire situation.This change “ should come about as a result ,not of vice but of some great error or frailty in a character.”Such a plot is most likely to generate pity and fear in the audience .“ Pity is aroused by unmerited misfortune ,fear by the misfortune of a man like ourselves .”
Characteristics of a
tragic hero :
Aristotle say that
the ideal tragic hero must be of a man like ourselves .he must be an
intermediate kind of person ,a man not who highly virtuous and just yet whose
misfortune is brought by some error of judjement ,not by vice .Aristotle used
the word “ Hamartia”
Hamartia: This term translated as a “ Tragic flow “
.Hamartia means ‘ An error which is
derived from ignorance of some material fact or circumstance.In the Aristotelian term is a mistake
or error of judjgement . In the
ideal tragedy ,claims aristotle , the protagonist will mistakenly bring about his own downfall – not because he
is sinful and
morally weak .but because he does
not know enough. Tha role of the
hamartia in tragedy comes out from its
moral status but from the inevitability
of its
This error of judgement
may arise from :
Ignorance (Oedipus )
Hasty and careless view ( Othello )
taken voluntarily but not delibretely ( hamlet )
Butcher: “Oedipus the king – includes all three meanings
(moral frailty, ignorance, error of
judgment) of hamartia, which in English cannot be termed by a single
term…. Othello is the modern example,
Oedipus in the ancient, are the two most conspicuous examples of ruin
wrought by characters, noble, indeed,
but not without defects, acting in the
dark and, as it seemed, for the best.”
Modern plays:
Hamartia is practically removed from the hero and he becomes a victim of
circumstance – a mere puppet. The villain in Greek plays was destiny, now its
circumstances. The hero was powerful, he struggled but at the end of the day,
death is inevitable. Modern heroes, dies several deaths – passive – not the
doer of the action but receiver. The concept of heroic figures in tragedy has
now become practically out of date. It
was appropriate to the ages when men of
noble birth and eminent positions were
viewed as the representative figures of
society.Today, common men is
representative of society and life.
Hamlet ‘s hamartia is his in decisiveness . he can not make
up his minds abour the dillemas he
confronts.His dialogue “ To be or not To
be .” His in decisiveness led
death of many innocent people.
Hamartia imparts the
sense of pity and fear in readers .They feel pity for the revesal of fortune thet
he undergoes. And also moralize that fear of same fate if they indulge similar
kinds of action.
1. A good man – coming to bad end. (Its shocking and disturbs faith)
2. A bad man – coming to good end. (neither moving, nor moral)
3. A bad man – coming to bad end. (moral, but not moving)
4. A rather good man – coming to bad end. (an ideal situation)
2. A bad man – coming to good end. (neither moving, nor moral)
3. A bad man – coming to bad end. (moral, but not moving)
4. A rather good man – coming to bad end. (an ideal situation)
Goodness: Although we can relate to the tragic hero through his innate
humanity, there are some aspects of his character that should be somewhat
foreign to us. Aristotle claims that he must be a 'good' man, which to the
Ancient Greeks meant much more than it might today. For them, this meant that
the hero would be well-known, perhaps even of high stature (i.e. Romeo or
Wayne's famous families), but not overly virtuous or morally upright. Aside
from money or titles, he may also possess extraordinary abilities (i.e.
Hercules' strength). All of these things, of course, make the inevitable
decline all the more tragic as the hero's transition from good fortune to bad.
These are "reversal" (peripeteia), where the
opposite of what was planned or hoped for by the protagonist takes place, as
when Oedipus' investigation of the murder of Laius leads to a catastrophic and
unexpected conclusion; and "recognition" (anagnorisis), the
point when the protagonist recognizes the truth of a situation, discovers
another character's identity, or comes to a realization about himself
The purpose of a tragic hero is to evoke sad emotions, such as pity and
fear, which makes the audience experience catharsis, relieving them of their
pent up emotions. The tragic flaw of the hero leads to his demise or downfall
that in turn brings tragic end. This gives wisdom to the audience to avoid such
things in their everyday lives. The sufferings and fall of a hero, arousing
feelings of pity and fear through catharsis, purges the audiences of those
emotions, to transform them into good human beings and good citizens
The heroes of tragedies must
belong to renowned families. The materials for tragedies have been supplied by
the distinguished families. The men of common birth are unfit for tragedies.
That is why; the heroes of tragedies must belong to the distinguished families such
as the families of Oedipus, Orestes, Melenger, Thystes etc. A man of eminence
always claims our special attention, for when a king or any great man falls a
nation is affected.
Initially, the tragic hero
should be neither better or worse morally than normal people, in order to allow
the audience to identify with them. This also introduces pity, which is crucial
in tragedy, as if the hero was perfect we would be outraged with their fate or
not care especially because of their ideological superiority. If the hero was
imperfect or evil, then the audience would feel that he had gotten what he
deserved. It is important to strike a balance in the hero's character.
Suffer a reversal of fortune: The character should
suffer a terrible reversal of fortune, from good to bad. Such a reversal does
not merely mean a loss of money or status. It means that the work should end
with the character dead or in immense suffering, and to a degree that o utweighs what it seems like the character
: Catharsis can be translated as ‘
purification’ , ‘correction or refinement ‘,Catharsis suggested means that our
pity and fear are purified in the theatre by becoming disinterested ,It is good
to pity Othello or to be fear for Hamlet.our selfish emotion has been sublimated
.there is strong evidence that catharsis means ,not ‘purification ‘ but
‘purgation’..” A medical metaphor.’ Purgation has assumed different
it would be better to to translate
catharsis as “ moderating or tempering of the passions .”catharsis
leaves wholesome effect in the minds of spectators.pity alone would be
sentimently and fear alone would make us
cowards ,but both constitute the tragic feeling or tragic beauty.Hubris : This quality of protegonist lead him to his tragic doom.This word describes quality of extreme of foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence .In greek tragedies hero challenges the God ,which brings out the downfall ,or nemesis of the perpetrator of hubris. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality or one’s capabilities.
Example of tragic hero :
Macbeth: In this play of Shakespeare the ambition of Macbeth is tragic flow or hamartia .macbeth suffers for his ambition.,He gets ambitious by the words of the witches who predict that he will become the king of Scotland. His ambition leads him to kill innocent people and consequently he also get killed by macduff.
Oedipus : according to Aristotle ,Oedipus is a perfect example of a tragic hero,as he has hubris such that he is blind to the truth .He refuses to listen to wise man . He is tragic because he struggles against the forces of of his fate ,and ptiable for his weakness, which arouse fear in the audience .Thus ,Oedipus is a ideal example of the tragic hero ,which caused his own downfall.
Hamlet :.Hamlet is the prince of
Denmark, a man of high social status and noble by birth. He is almost driven to
madness by his father’s tortured ghost, who convinces him that Claudius is
responsible for his father’s death, and that he has committed treachery. Hamlet
then makes a plan to take revenge on his father’s killer, but he is blinded by
his hamartia, neglecting his relations with other loved ones – Gertrude.
Hamlet’s hamartia is his constant contemplation and brooding, which causes him
to delay, which ultimately results in his destruction. By the end, Hamlet also
falls in a bloodbath, touching the hearts of the audience by highlighting the
most primal fear, death.
. His indecisiveness ,hamartia , neglects his
Ophelia and his mother other personal relationships. Hamlet become
responsible for many innocent deaths and
also meet tragic end .
Othello : Othello is tragic hero ,that his hamartia causes his tragic death and his beloved .many innocent murder happened in the play because of hamartia.
Doctor Faustus : Dr.faustus resembles most of Aristotele ‘s idea of a hero, his hamartia caused his downfall.Faustus is a regular man and has high intentions.In lust for power and knowledge ,sells his soul to become powerfull.His hamartia led him to tragic end. Which lead to catharsis.
Conclusion :
Tragic hero is a person fated by the Gods or by some supernatural force to doom and destruction or at least to great suffering.Because the tragic hero simply cannot accept a diminished view of the self and because of some personality flaw, the hero fails in this epic struggle against fate. This tragic drama involves choices (free will) and results in a paradox --- Is it Fate or Free Will which is primarily responsible for the suffering in the hero's life , Though fated the hero makes choices which bring about his destruction. In addition, tragic drama usually reveals the hero's true identity. Oedipus --- instead of being the proud savior of Thebes --- discovers that he is the cause of the city's plague, the killer of his father and the husband of his mother.
Tragic hero is a person fated by the Gods or by some supernatural force to doom and destruction or at least to great suffering.Because the tragic hero simply cannot accept a diminished view of the self and because of some personality flaw, the hero fails in this epic struggle against fate. This tragic drama involves choices (free will) and results in a paradox --- Is it Fate or Free Will which is primarily responsible for the suffering in the hero's life , Though fated the hero makes choices which bring about his destruction. In addition, tragic drama usually reveals the hero's true identity. Oedipus --- instead of being the proud savior of Thebes --- discovers that he is the cause of the city's plague, the killer of his father and the husband of his mother.
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