Tree plantation In our campus , department of English we have done activity of gardening. We cleaned all garbage around the tree and plants. We removed the waste things from garden. In garden we c…
Welcome to this Blog here we'll be able to understand English Literature in superior way.
Tree plantation In our campus , department of English we have done activity of gardening. We cleaned all garbage around the tree and plants. We removed the waste things from garden. In garden we c…
PEHREDAAR PIYA KI: This show can be never progressive as per my point of view. The content of the show is a young girl married to a nine year…
Plato's objection: Plato's theory of memesis (imitation ) ,in which Plato have objection with poetry,plato said that philos…
→ Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe a novel by Daniel Defoe. This novel is about the adventure of Crusoe at incident happened with Crusoe or not? But he tries to convince us that incident happened with this novel he tries to lead us towards t…
DIGDARSHAK: ⟹The play " Ek maulik sarjak : Digdarshak " it is about the theme ' T heatre v/s Cinema ' .writer of the play is 'priyam jani' and director of the play is 'Rishit Jhaveri'. First of all the play Digdar…
Post -truth this is a new word of the year -2016, According to,oxford dictionary.we only know the word "Truth". There may be a 'half-truth' or 'no- truth'. but post-truth is something else. …
The play yugpurush was amazing. No one knows that there is a great role of Rajchandra in-built a personality of Mhatma Gandhi as a father of nation.but after watching the play we come to know that there was very honourable and kn…