Plato's Objection
Plato's objection:
Plato's theory of memesis (imitation ) ,in which Plato have objection with poetry,plato said that philosophy is better than poetry because philosophy based on truth or ideal, whereas poetry is illusion.
In matter of agreement with plato ,
l.] hought Plato was right in his time ,at that time women was consider inferior , political situation , confused values ,homer'epic , this thing were existed so Plato's objection of poetry related to his time .
In modern time it is not relevant , under 'freedom of expression ' poet and writer can express their opinions and thought by art. If writer /poet create anything it would be according to their vision , experience . there is a different vision of people to see the one thing. There also exists many truths.
So artistic Liberty can be enjoyed by creative writers , but it should have limitations to use Liberty. So creative writers have Liberty but what type of art important and useful in literature it should be think before creation.
'moral teaching ' it can't be only function of art . The purpose behind it can be pleasure also. If same purpose of all art then how they can be different subject or form.
According to Plato' s objection , ' la Bella dame sans mercy ' poem ,in which a lady with supernatural power controlled knight without mercy , twice removed from reality , nothing original idea and true existence , which nourishes passion and emotion , ruled over knight 's soul. So John Keats vision and intention may be different. But according to Plato's objection this poem match with Plato's argues. there is no morality at all. T v soap : ' Nagin ' also objected it's content , quite removed from reality , truth ,lusty character ,, based on falsehood.
2] In my B.A ,I think ' Othello' tragedy follows the Aristotelian literary tradition. In terms of tragedy , imitation of serious action, artistic ornament , magnitude . It also follow ' catharsis ' , what we felt for Othello .Hamartia : Othello creates his own downfall by ignoring important facts and situation , error of judgement , decision without thought process . So we can say Othello follows it.
In B.A study ,'Othello' tragedy ,in which protagonist Othello with Hamartia.: He was a good man but by his error of judgement he met bad end. because he don't know the important fact , situation which happened around him. Iago who provokes him against 'Desdimona' and Othello believed in him , take instant decision and kill his own downfall at the end.because he don't know enough. So he is a tragic hero with Hamartia.
Hamlet and Othello follows this chain of cause and effect,whatever happened in this play it is complete action,when Othello doubted then whatever happens it makes him this probability and necessity tragedy follows this Hamlet also this thing followed by unity of action, cause effect and magnitude. So both play followed Aristotelian tradition.
Thank you.