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Assignment of Frantz fanon ‘s  Black skin white mask  : chapter 1 to 3

Name : Makwana Daksha D.
Course : M.A
Sem : 3 Roll no : 5
Enrollment no : 2069108420180034
Paper : 11 :  The Post -colonial literature
Topic :  The Black skin white mask : chapter 1 to 3
Submitted to : Department of English MKBU

Introduction :

Frantz Fanon (French:  20 July 1925 – 6 December 1961) was a psychiatrist philosopher , revolutionary , , and writer from the French colony of Martinique, whose works are influential in the fields of  post -colonial studies, critical theory and Marxism .

As an intellectual, Fanon was a political radical , pan - Africanist, and Marxist humanist  concerned with  the psychopathology of colonization, and the human, social, and cultural consequences of decolonization

Fanon's contributions to the history of ideas are manifold. He is influential not only because of the originality of his thought but also because of the astuteness of his criticisms. He developed a profound social existential analysis of antiblack racism, which led him to identify conditions of skewed rationality and reason in contemporary discourses on the human being.

Black skin , White masks   one of the Fanon’s important this essay , fanon psychoanalyses the oppressed black person who is perceived to have a inferiority complex in the world of Whiteman ‘s world. It examines the damaging effects of colonial racism.

Black skin , White masks 1952 , book by Frantz Fanon. In this book fanon shares his own experiences in the effect of racism and dehumanization , colonialism on the minds of people. This book is about the black people how they are treated , how the skin color blackness consider , this blackness constructed and produced. So it is psychoanalysis about black people ‘s experience. Perception about black person , inferiority complex in their minds and imitation culture of colonizer.

 “The feeling of inferiority of the colonized is the correlative to the European’s feeling of superiority. Let us have the courage to say it outright: It is the racist who creates his inferior.”

In introduction , Fanon states , “ The white man is locked in his whiteness . the black man in his blackness .” we can say that we cant change our skin color and our race identity, that is fact. This race is not problem but our attitude towards it is problem. Because we see race as significant factor for identity and worth of people in society.

Black skin, White masks , fanon explores relationship between race , language and culture. How language used to make black people they are uncivilized and inferior by them.

In chapter 2 , desire of black people to become white is represented. Fanon explains that black women may love white lover for acquire white culture and has more advantages and privileges by this way. Same way , black men marrying white women for feeling of proud, with beauty and wealth of whiteness in racist society.

In chapter 4 and 5 fanon develops analysis of black people that they not able to left behind the fact of being black. Naturally they fill inferior and this feeling is created by racism. Whites are superior in all aspects and have more advantages then black people. When black people internalize their oppression as a personal failure , this is when an inferiority complex arises. Such experience they always felt that they are black first and people second. So they are not seen as human beings but they reduced for their race.

In chapter 6 , fanon provides black people symbol of biological or seem as animalistic . they are primarily depicted as bodies rather then as people with minds and feelings. So blackness associated with image of virility, they are evil,  according to white men. So Fanon says that the black man seen as a biological threat.

In final chapter fanon explores , social solution that transform the racist society. Black people need to be encouraged to transform society by demanding humanity from white people , and building a future free from the subjugation of the past.

Fanon refused so called ‘ dependency ‘ theory in which black people are colonized because they naturally feel inferior and therefore they want to be subjugated. They no longer thinks about as an unique individuals. They are objectified and reduced to being only their race. Thus fanon wants to denaturalize and de-essentialize theories of black people. He said that they are created black by the societies in which they live.

In 1 chapter  “ The black man and language “ fanon explores importance of language for the negro. A negro thinks that white men are chosen one and black are blacks because of their sin. So black people think that if they will master their language , they will connect with white men. The negro tries to master the French language because the fear of being judged by its usage.

“The black man wants to be white. The white man slaves to reach a human level.”
Fanon also criticizes the whites don’t want the accept Negros because of their language. Negro faces humiliation because they left their culture and language . and try to prove their existence in the racist society.

In chapter 2 “ The woman of color and the white man “ he argues that black women may become obsessed with marrying white men in an effort to “ become white “. this is about the relationship between black and white people in society. He focuses relationship of black woman and white men in France. By love they want to across the racial differences. When black people have power and black people have not they fill negative experience and inferiority. They try to get rid of from blackness by this way.

White represents wealth , beauty , intelligence and virtue ; blacks represent “ Niggers “. Because the black woman feels inferior that she aspires to gain admittance to the white world. Secretly she wants to be white
 “ Today I believe in the possibility of love; that is why I endeavor to trace its imperfections, its perversions.”

In chapter 3 , “ The man of color and the white woman “ black man as a lover , when he falls in love with a white woman.  “ I marry white culture , white beauty , white whiteness . “

Black people recognized by white races as uncivilized and inferior. They consider them as an animal or Brest . their attitude towards this black community make them superior and them inferior. That’s why black people want to outcome from this situation of differences. When they are consider as inferior they try to accept the language and culture of white men, left their own culture and language , as black man love and marriage with white woman , by this way they try to make their own existence in connection with white world.

Black people have been always oppressed , that’s why they have a difficult time to accepting their own self worth. There is concept fitted in minds of people that skin color will define themselves in the world. So black man wants to be white and trying to achieve the rank of man .

Black skin , White masks gives psychological inside the minds of Blackman. Fanon also said that human society is set up in the way , that no matter how black  man tries to be equal with white man , IT will never truly accept by racist society. Fanon also studies how colonization and slavery have produced the sense of inferiority in black people , feeling of white supremacy. We have to look forward future and freedom from the past which producing a racial hierarchy . now demand justice for black people and their recognition by whites of their essential humanity.

Conclusion :
Fanon says that he has only one right and one duty :
1. The right to demand human behavior form the other .
2. The duty to never let his decisions renounce his freedom .
One last prayer : “ O my body , always make me a man who questions! “