Showing posts from September, 2018Show all
Postcolonial perspective : Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor  (born 9 March 1956) is an Indian politician and a former career international diplomat    who is currently serving  as member of   p arliament   from  Thiruvananthapuram Kerala   , since 2009. He also currently serves as Chairman of the Parliamentary S…

Interaction with Dr. Javed Khansir

We have special lecture on ELT by pro.Javed Khan sir . His view that he is not taking lecture but he came for interaction with us. That he is always learner that is enthusiastic nature was much appreciated. He was specialist on ELT. His topic of interaction first…

Orientalism : Edward Said

Orientalism revolutionized the study of the middle East and helped to create and shape entire new field of study such as post colonial theory as well influencing discipline as diverse as english , history , anthropology , political science and cultural studies. 1…

Film review : Midnight ' s children and Reluctant Fundamentalist

Midnight's children Midnight's children is a 1981 novel by british indian author Salman Rushdie. It is consider as a post colonial literature. The novel is an ' allegory on india ' it described the events before independence and after independence. …

Thinking activity : Reflection of self

1. Recollect a moment of your life when you were at the height of ferocity (anger) on someone with/without some specific reason. What did you feel like speaking to or doing with that person? A moment  when I was at the height of ferocity that happens because of…

Thinking activity :  To The Lighthouse

1. How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against the values of …