We have special lecture on ELT by pro.Javed Khan sir . His view that he is not taking lecture but he came for interaction with us. That he is always learner that is enthusiastic nature was much appreciated. He was specialist on ELT.

His topic of interaction first about the invention and creativity. Nowadays development of Ict and technologies is very necessary. In era of 21st century a knowledge era, there are challenges that of soft skills and creativity. Skill requirements, flexibility , and need for change is important factor of time.

ELT is a broad term. Education beyond school is called ' tertiary ' . At this level english courses are :
General English, Business English , language and communication.

ELT means teaching English as a second language or foreign language, is not that teaching language of native language.

Language reflects culture and it's aspect is phonetics and phonology that study of sounds is orthography. Orthography is study of the writing system of a language and also of a structure , systemetic patterning of graphic and printed sign.

Grammer is a part of  language. Pronunciation , lexicon , affix , prefix ,Syntex , infix , this is called morphology. That is a study of internal structure of words , including all this part and other compounds word and etymology.

ESL developed from needs and analysis. English for Specific purpose. EAP is English for academic purpose. EAP used as academic purposes like research , teaching and learning.it often surves as
Medium of instruction. English as international language surves as academic colonization.

Language for commerce according to Liz Hamp Lyon ' s ' EAP is an electrics and programetics discipline. Language linguistic and for social science growing demand for EAP.
English for literary purposes :
The language of poetry
The language of Drama
The language of Novel.

English of business / Commercial purpose includes terms , vocabulary , report , active voice and first person plural.
English for scientific purposes is marked for making use of precise vocabulary , which consists of words that are often polysyllabic and based on Greek / Latin roots. There are use of complex pre- modification.

According to Liz Hamp Lyon' s argument English for academic purposes ( EAP ) has emerged out of the broader field of ESP. EAP focuses on the teaching of English , specifically to facilitate learners to study or engage in research , it's utility is basically limited to academic needs like teaching , learning and research. Used in higher learning and medium of instruction.Thus we have chance for knowledge of ELT from such a man.

There are many things we have to learn from him , that a teacher should be perfect for students, his style of dealing with subject ae well as students, methods and curious nature and light way of connecting things is also much appreciated . Sir was Excellent in English and have still status of learner is always best.