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1. Why it is necessary to use technology in education ?

Technology in education makes students creative. They learn to analyse , evaluate and remember the information. By using internet and mobile devices they will learn to connect and Communicate to the people of world. Use of technology will make learning collaborative with vivid ideas , skills and knowledge. Technology like slideshare , linkdlen , Youtube on this platform student will become uploaders not only downloaders of other' s things. By technology students will have cultural awareness, Digital literacy , critical thinking of all things.

2. What is the difference between using and integrating technology ?

In education using technology means to use only for the sake rather then integrated in practical learnings. Technology like activities prezis , produce videos and apps. Technology used to deliver information or for study related tasks.
Integration of technology means technology as a part of classroom environment. It used to achieve goals and learning objectives. Integration means to make student active and engage in learning. Technology which is used outside the classroom to construct or build knowledge.

3. How can we integrate technology ?

In our learning and practical life technology brings vast changes. Through technology it becomes easy to understand global world. In classroom use of  technology like Internet ,  digital learning , Blogs , SlideShare, email , flipped learning will developed our creativity and confidence.  Students will become uploaders on Internet. We  can through technology engage in collaboration and Communication with outside world.

4. Can technology replace teacher ?

In urban and rural spaces technology and tools have replaced human beings. Technology changes the skills of people. In today's Digital age , technology used in education , where as teacher are used to teach with books rather then with technology. But teacher have to updated with the technological time. Teacher have to learn new skills and accepted it for new learning. Teacher should know the language and Google beyond it. It is also a truth that Google only give information but teachers are connecters of dots. But both are important for advance learning.

5. Brief note on David Crystal ' s views :
  1. 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language'.
According to David crystal ; technology always influence language . English language not same as was , it becomes identical , for exa, ' Lol ' . Internet and technology influence the language. We find brand new language through Internet activity.
Language changes very fast by new technology and new world. Teacher have to peace with it. Old generation is not familiar with it . New words , new expression is coming with globalization of English. Not only British English , but American and Indian english also found. Variety of dialects and action passed by , no correct English. By using internet global difference of language can learn.
Texting is good for english language. Best way of learning language is to practice . More you read , more you write better. Technology provides opportunities of reading and writing practice. By taxting literacy score will increased .

6. Name the One web- tool which can help in development of four L-S-R-w skills .

Blog is important tool in developing these skills. it is very useful web tool in practice and learning of language.for exa, to make blog any particular point will increase our vocabulary and writing skills.for writing we read some references that will developed out reading skill. By watching videos speaking and listening will also developed.