Design : Robert Frost
Here Frost suggest that how design of God works. God is designer of nature and all natural process happening around us. There is also good and evil natural forces existence in the world . It is designed by God.
Inthis poem narration of general process of everyday life. How the order of nature worked and God ' s design played significant role in all this process.
The poem starts with a white - spider preying a white moth on a heal - all. The flower hold the moth. But it can not able to stop this tragic incident. It was dark , horrible force of nature .
White - spider , white - flower and white - moth this symbol of whiteness suggests evil and darkness . There is no purity in it . White symbol of innocent and purity become symbol of dark activity . And it ends in death of moth . Moth have to struggle against evil force ' spider ' . This process indicates natural force controls one another's existence. This is irony on design or God's design.
What but design of darkness to appall ?
If design govern in a thing so small.
Poem ends with a questioning on process of nature and " Design " .
Our ma' am gave us this classroom activity to draw a picture of nature according to your imagination. This picture drawn by me. This is totally different then poem ' Design ' reflects nature. It is irony on nature and it's horrible process. This picture shows positive feeling about nature. Birds , greenery and flaw of river suggest better things. Footprints in sand shows something positive atmosphere. It can be said that nature possess both side good and evil also.
This poem is in the form of sonnet , octave and sextet about comparison , discussion and questioning the natural process .
Here Frost suggest that how design of God works. God is designer of nature and all natural process happening around us. There is also good and evil natural forces existence in the world . It is designed by God.
Inthis poem narration of general process of everyday life. How the order of nature worked and God ' s design played significant role in all this process.
The poem starts with a white - spider preying a white moth on a heal - all. The flower hold the moth. But it can not able to stop this tragic incident. It was dark , horrible force of nature .
White - spider , white - flower and white - moth this symbol of whiteness suggests evil and darkness . There is no purity in it . White symbol of innocent and purity become symbol of dark activity . And it ends in death of moth . Moth have to struggle against evil force ' spider ' . This process indicates natural force controls one another's existence. This is irony on design or God's design.
What but design of darkness to appall ?
If design govern in a thing so small.
Poem ends with a questioning on process of nature and " Design " .
Our ma' am gave us this classroom activity to draw a picture of nature according to your imagination. This picture drawn by me. This is totally different then poem ' Design ' reflects nature. It is irony on nature and it's horrible process. This picture shows positive feeling about nature. Birds , greenery and flaw of river suggest better things. Footprints in sand shows something positive atmosphere. It can be said that nature possess both side good and evil also.