Showing posts from November, 2017Show all
Wordsworth's  Preface

WORDSWORTH ➤ What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of 'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'? Difference between classicism and romanticism is that classicism put out restrictions,whereas romanticism believes in liberty. Classicism pre…

To  Evaluate  My  presentation  Click  here </ Paper 4 from Daksha Makwana div>

To  Evaluate  My  Presentation  Click here Paper 3 from Daksha Makwana

To  Evaluate  My  presentation  Click  here Paper 2 from Daksha Makwana

To  Evaluate  My  Presentation  click  here Paper 1 from Daksha Makwana

Coleridge ;' Biographia Literaria

Coleridge 's Biographia Literaria .                                    Samuel Taylor Coleridge possessed his own unique poetic diction, sought non-traditional methods of poetic inspiration, conveyed original theories about the imagination, and distinctly incorp…

Dryden's Essay of ' Dramatic poesy '

Dryden 's  Essay  Dramatic Poesy  John Dryden was an English Poet ,Dramatist and critic and leading literary figure of the Restoration 1668,he wrote his most important prose work ,'' Of  Dramatic Poesy" an essay ,the basis for his reputa…

Doctor Faustus as a Morality Play Part - 1

Introduction : The morality play was one of the early forms of drama.   It developed out of miracle and mystery plays. Developed at the end of 14 th century and get popularity in 15 th   century.  The morality plays different from miracles plays that no…

caste and class conflict in the purpose

ASSIGNMENT OF CASTE AND CLASS CONFLICT IN THE PURPOSE                                   To evaluate my assignment click here                                                                                           Name : Makwana  Daksha D. Course :MA Semester :1 …

Assignment of tragic hero according to Aristotle

Assignment of  tragic hero according to Aristotle  To evaluate my Assignment click here    Name: Makwana  Daksha  D. Course : MA Semester : 1 Batch : 2017-2019 Roll no : 4 Enrollment  no : 2069108420180034 Paper no : 3  The  literary theory and cr…