Coleridge 's Biographia Literaria.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge possessed his own unique poetic diction, sought non-traditional methods of poetic inspiration, conveyed original theories about the imagination, and distinctly incorporated his religious philosophies into his poetry.

 Coleridge wrote a series of first person essays collectively entitled Biographia Literaria. It is considered his finest work. The essays covered topics in literature and philosophy, illuminating his wide-ranging intellect. Despite his suffering, the essays' language was elegant and inspired. "The poet, described in ideal perfection, brings the whole soul of man into activity," he wrote, "with the subordination of its faculties to each other, according to their relative worth and dignity."

 1} Difference between poem and prose.      
 Poem and prose have same elements but difference between them is combination of those elements and objects aimed in both composition.poem created when poet facilitate the memory to recollect  certain facts , with certain artificial arrangement of words with the help of metre ,as a result of composition there will be a poem. poem distinguished from prose ,in terms of metre , rhyme.                                                 
 Coleridge in his ,'Dramatic poesy' gave definition that mere addition of metre not make a poem , Coleridge said that prose literature had its immediate purpose and ultimate end that is truth and pleasure also derived from a work , which not metrical composed.                                       
Coleridge gave definition ,.                                  '
" In order to deserve the name poem,each part of the composition , including metre , rhyme , diction and the me must harmonize with the wholeness of the composition , if metre added all other parts must be made constant with it , they all must harmonize with each other". poem distinguished from prose by its immediate object to please , whereas immediate object of prose is to give truth.                                         .                                          

 2} difference between poem and poetry      
 "poem of the highest kind may exist without metre and even without the contradistinction objects of a poem" according to Coleridge the poem of any kind of length neither cam be,nor ought to be is " distinction resulting from the poetic genius itself ,which sustains and modifies the images , thoughts and emotions of the port's own mind." .                
 Poetry in larger sense brings ," The whole soul of man ; in to activity with each faculty , playing it's proper part according to its 'relative worth and dignity." .                                                                                                         
Example of Verse :
" All the world 's a stage ,and all the men and women  merely players." -' As you like it '
  ( Shakespeare )

" Happy families are all alike ;every  unhappy family is unhappy in its own way ."
- Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy