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1. Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

This book promotes spiritual discussion and explores our faith. Dan brown shows how Mary Magdalene role in the Bible was deliberately downplayed and cast in a negative light by limiting the mention of her name in the biblical canon. Robert Langdon and sir Teabing , two have devoted their lives to the quest for the truth about holy grail.

 Thu book used as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploratuex of our faith.  

 2.“Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

In this book quest for religion and it's power , the pursuit of holy grail presented.  Silas looks for the keystone of Holy grail fot his Savior Aringrosa. Langdon explores the meaning of Da Vinci 's symbols. Sophie seeks answer of truth about  her family.  Brown also uses the written history of Mary Magdalene to represent the Feminine leadership that was lost after Christianity took over the masses. Thus accurate neither of this. And some of the material and intrigue essential for it.

3. You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

To contemporary young mind in narrative of ' Paradise lost ' punishment for self idea or things related to self - follow God is necessary , power controls everything and powerless have to follow. 

In ' Da Vinci Code ' narrative of search for holy grail. Or destroy faith who controlled mankind. But Bloodline Sophie Neveu , last supper all myths related Christ that is fiction , real or not.  
In both narrative religion as superior institution presented . Some want to preserve and some want to destroy it.  It shows religion control mankind. Both not much convincing at some level narrative of ' The Da Vinci Code ' convince to contemporary young mind.

 4. What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

In terms of Humanity in, ' Paradise lost ' Biblical narration of more punishment to Eve not Adam by God. It also said that Eve is responsible for ' Fall of man '. Temptation of man and punishment also harms the Humanity.

" Da Vinci Code " people have lust for power , in name of religion control each other and also kills many one. For searching Holy grail wants to preserve and destroy it. The relation of Christ with Mary , not surity of it. Bloodline of jesus all things harm humanity.

5.. What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland JoffĂ©'s The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

In ' The Da Vinci code ' Ron presented Sophie in decent manner not objectify her. Overall not any scene that reflects her body. Kenneth Branagh also showed Ophelia's nudity in ' Hamlet '. In ' The Scarlet  letter ' Hester Prynne as sexual object and more of skin. Same with Elizabeth in Frankenstein. In Harry Potter , Harmione Granger desired object and her kissing scene with Ron Wesley. Where as Ron Howard remain faithful to the central theme of Faminine sacredness in Sophie's portrayal.

6. novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths?

We can find such conspiracy theory in Hindu myths . For exa, Shiva , Krishna and Ram all are man in action or human belongs with divine thing not god at all. In Hindu religion , symbols presents myth but not surity about it. Whether that thing really happened at that time or constructed by the time by people. They are blind followers of it. That man with some divinity now as a ' God '.

7.Have you come across any similar book/movie, which tries to deconstruct accepted notions about Hindu religion or culture and by dismantling it, attempts to reconstruct another possible interpretation of truth?

In Hindu religion and culture people worship variety of God and goddess. They also follow different rituals in name of God. People constructed the religion and control other for own motives. From movie ,OMG and P.K drconsttdec notion of religious gurus that ask the question every establish notion of religion , of worshipping, of behaving , or ' money idea ' on religion by powerful persons. Truth is far beyond all , no one knows reality that's why religion and myth are constructed.

8. When we do traditional reading of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology, Harvard University emerges asprotagonist and Sir Leigh Teabing, a British Historian as antagonist. Who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel?

Leigh Teabing wanted to destroy faith and free mankind from oppression of Christianity. In conversation with Robert Langdon , he in favour of Catholic Church and kneels at the Sarcophagus of mary , he becomes secret keeper rather than revealer. Because he don't want to destroy the faith. On position of protagonist Leigh Teabing on atheist reading of the novel.

9 .Explain Ann Gray’s three proposprepos on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.

a.       1) Identifying what is knowable 
b.      2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known
c.      3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?

In this prepositions illustration : 

Knowable is puzzles and codes for revelation of Holy grail.
Knower is Lea Teabing , Robert langdon and Sophie Neveu  and known to secrets and decoding puzzles. Procedure of knowing to discover final truths by solving puzzles , truth behind Holy grail or sarcophagus of mary magdalne , end of bloodline.