
1.what are the major difference between movie and the novel Frankenstein ? (Three )
There is a many difference between novel of Mary Shelley and movie of  Kenneth branagh .

1.  Major difference is that in novel , monster wants a woman like itself , and doctor started to create another monster , but than destroies the ' female monster ' before had finish it.
In movie we find that Victor brings back to life to Elizabeth , who commits suicide burning herself  and the house.

2.  Another difference is that in novel , The monster is angry with the mankind , that they not accept him so he wants to revenge all the society , because they consider him different.
In movie , the monster wants his revenge only on Victor , his creater and his family . He wants personal revenge.

3. Difference is that , in novel Henry clerval friend from  the childhood of  Victor in Geneva.because their parents are also good friends.
In movie , Victor met him at the university , durifng class.

2. Did this movie help you in understanding the plot of the novel ?
Movie become important medium in understanding the plot , structure and  narratology of  the novel. The concept of novel, Shelley ' s intention behind the Gothic fiction novel became clear in our minds . By movie it becomes clears that ,  which  circumstances lead Victor  to invents life after death , his thirst for scientific  knowledge , impacts of the experiments on his life , psychology of character  all elements made more impact  on mind than only reading of the novel.

3. What do you think who is real monster ?
We can say that in some way Victor 's intention was noble ,by scientific experiment he wants to create which become useful for all mankind . but it becomes monster and than Victor not accept him and abandoned him. Human beings not accept him for his ugly look and difference .Monster then become monster when disappointed and wants to revenge. but he tries to cross the limits of  human beings , he challenges God , and as a father not fulfilled his responsibility towards him. So monster become monster by Victor , so Victor can be consider as a real monster.

4. From where mery Shelley get the idea for the novel Frankenstein ?

It is said that , when she travelled in the region of Geneva , then the topic of galvanism , among her companions and future husband , decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story . After thinking for days , Shelley dreamt about a scientist , who created the life and was horrified by what he had made. So we can say that from this way she get the idea of  the novel.

5. Do you think the search for the knowledge is dangerous and destructive ?
In dialogue of Walton  , "sorrow only increased with knowledge ."
In dialogue of monster  , " Increase vof knowledge only discovered to me more clearly what a wretched outcast I was."
Search for knowledge is necessary , if there is not quest  for knowledge , there may be not invented anything , which are become important part of our lives. But it becomes dangerous and destructive , when men wants to become superior to all and challenge the God like Dr. Faustus . We can see conflict between nature and science , man as product of nature , wanted to rule our science and nature limits . It becomes dangerous that by own mistakes get very tragic end.

6.what are some myths used by Mary Shelley in the Frankenstein ?

In this novel use of three myths
1. Paradise lost
2.myth of Narcissus
3.myh of  Prometheus
Victor 's blighted being has developed from " Tabula Rasa " - epistemological theory , and theory of knowledge.
Monster said that he read Paradise lost . Narration reveals the temptation of knowledge and punishment. ( Frankenstein tempted ) and comparison of Adam, Satan and God. Victor exhibits all the characteristics of the Narcissistic , personality disorder and sense of self importance , by the myth of Narcissus.

7.wtite about the Narratology of the Frankenstein.
In this novel three types of narratives . Narratology includes three types of narrations. First person , second person and third person, who tells , what and to whom. Frankenstein is frame narrative. It story within story. Three types of narrative in Frankenstein.
1.captain Walton
2.victor Frankenstein
We find type of first person narrative in the novel and three different person become narrators of the story , and become first person narration.

Thank you .