Sharmeen obaid - chinoy' s academy award

Sharmeen obaid - chinoy is a pakistani journalist , filmmaker and activist , she is known for her work in films that highlight the inequality with women.

" A girl in the river : The price for forgiveness , is a documentary film about honor killings in pakistan . This short film is about truly heroic pakistani women , who have suffered from cruelty and oppression .In telling their stories to the world they fought back and exposed injustice .

" The white Tiger "  by Arvind Adiga , novel provides a darkly humorous perspective of india ' s class struggle in a globalized world. This novel examines issue of religion , caste , loyalty, corruption and poverty in India.

According to Adiga , the exigence for the white tiger was to capture the unspoken voice of people from ," The Darkness " - The impoverished areas of Rural india .This novel won the Booker prize , but it's unflattering portrait of india has caused a Storm in his homeland.

" Slumdog millaonaire "  indian film about a slumboy that how they are suffered and have to struggle to survive in the world.

Postcolonialism focusing on the human consequence of the control and exploitations of marginalized and oppressive people. Gayatri chakravorty  spivak' s sublaltern theory about the sublaltern people and women. Malala yousafzai  raise voice for girl's education in society.

My point of view is that there is no problem in portraying real image of nation through the movie or book , then and then only this very bad issues of society will caught  attention and chances for improvement will be possible.

If bad image of india satisfied Western societies , then try to improvement of our image by removing such a bad issues of society.
When this movies and Books gets winner prize it thrills us, if we find that issue stories shame us , then we must do something about them. If u thought  that a such a portrait will misguiding the youth, then what we  will have to do where in reality such a thing existing and happening?